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Manager's Guide to Communicating with Employees with Disabilities

TLDR; Handling the accommodations process for employees with disabilities is crucial for fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace. This guide highlights best practices for communicating effectively with employees who have disabilities, ensuring that the process is handled sensitively and appropriately.

Team Disclo
July 18, 2024

Communication is an essential component of effective management, and when it comes to employees with disabilities, it is crucial to take extra steps to ensure that the communication process is smooth and inclusive. In this article, we will go through some best practices for communicating with employees with disabilities and help you create a more accessible and inclusive workplace.

Understanding Disabilities and Communication Barriers

Disabilities come in many forms, from physical to sensory to cognitive, and each one can present unique challenges in the workplace. To effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, it is crucial to understand these challenges and what barriers exist. Some common communication barriers include limited mobility, difficulty hearing or seeing, and difficulties with speaking or comprehending language.

Making Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities

The reasonable accommodations process starts with an employee requesting an accommodation for a disability. This request can be made verbally or in writing, and it is important for managers to respond promptly and professionally to all requests.

Once a request has been received, managers should initiate the interactive process by taking the following steps:

  1. Confirm the need for an accommodation: Managers should work with the employee to understand their needs and confirm the need for an accommodation.
  2. Identify potential accommodations: Based on the employee's needs, managers should identify potential accommodations that can be provided.

However, for a more in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of the feasibility of each potential accommodation, it is recommended that managers work with HR to ensure a thorough and compliant process. HR is better equipped to handle the complexities of the accommodations process and to make sure that all necessary steps are taken to ensure a positive outcome for the employee and the company.

HR should take the following steps in the interactive process:

  1. Evaluate the feasibility of each accommodation: HR should evaluate the feasibility of each potential accommodation, considering factors such as cost, feasibility, and impact on the work environment.
  2. Select and implement the accommodation: Based on the evaluation, HR should select the most appropriate accommodation and implement it in a timely manner.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodation: HR should regularly monitor the effectiveness of the accommodation and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that it is working effectively.

Starting the reasonable accommodations process can be a complex and challenging task, but by following these steps and working closely with HR, managers can ensure that accommodations are provided in a timely and effective manner.

By using a tool like Disclo, HR can streamline the process and ensure that all accommodations requests and approvals are in line with relevant regulations and laws. This can help create a positive and inclusive workplace for all employees.

Encouraging Inclusive Communication in Meetings

Meetings are an important part of workplace communication, and it is essential to make sure that employees with disabilities are able to fully participate. Managers should provide alternative communication methods, such as live captioning or sign language interpretation, and make sure that everyone has access to the materials being discussed. It is also important to create an inclusive atmosphere in meetings by encouraging active participation from all employees, regardless of their abilities.

Providing Employee Training on Disability Awareness

One of the best ways to promote effective communication with employees with disabilities is to provide training on disability awareness. This can help employees understand the challenges faced by their colleagues with disabilities, and give them the tools they need to communicate effectively. Disability awareness training can also help reduce any awkwardness or misunderstandings that may arise when communicating with employees with disabilities.

Regularly Checking In With Employees with Disabilities

Managers should also make an effort to regularly check in with employees with disabilities to ensure that their needs are being met and that they feel supported in the workplace. This can be as simple as having regular one-on-one meetings or asking for feedback on how communication and accommodations can be improved.

Building Trust and Open Communication

Effective communication with employees with disabilities requires a foundation of trust and open communication. Managers should encourage employees with disabilities to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences and make an effort to understand their unique perspectives. This can be achieved through regular check-ins and open-door policies, where employees feel comfortable discussing their experiences and concerns.

Making Changes Based on Employee Feedback

Finally, it is essential to take employee feedback into consideration when making changes to improve communication with employees with disabilities. This can include anything from changing workplace policies to modifying communication methods. By taking a proactive approach and regularly seeking feedback, managers can ensure that they are meeting the needs of all employees, including those with disabilities.


In conclusion, managing the accommodations process for employees with disabilities can be complex and challenging, but it is essential for creating a workplace that is inclusive and welcoming for everyone. By communicating effectively, being proactive, and staying organized, managers can ensure that accommodations are provided in a timely and effective manner. And by utilizing technology tools such as Disclo, managers can simplify the process and stay compliant with relevant regulations. By implementing these best practices, managers can foster a positive and inclusive work environment for all employees.


Communication is an essential component of effective management, and when it comes to employees with disabilities, it is crucial to take extra steps to ensure that the communication process is smooth and inclusive. In this article, we will go through some best practices for communicating with employees with disabilities and help you create a more accessible and inclusive workplace.

Understanding Disabilities and Communication Barriers

Disabilities come in many forms, from physical to sensory to cognitive, and each one can present unique challenges in the workplace. To effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, it is crucial to understand these challenges and what barriers exist. Some common communication barriers include limited mobility, difficulty hearing or seeing, and difficulties with speaking or comprehending language.

Understanding Workplace Disabilities and Overcoming Communication Barriers

Disabilities encompass a broad spectrum of physical, sensory, and cognitive challenges, each bringing its own set of unique communication barriers that can impact an individual’s ability to interact effectively in the workplace. These barriers can vary significantly:

  1. Physical Disabilities: These can include conditions that affect an individual’s mobility, dexterity, or stamina. For example, someone with a physical disability might require ergonomic adjustments to their workspace, or may need assistive technology to perform their job effectively, or may need additional breaks to manage the symptoms of a health condition.
  2. Sensory Disabilities: Sensory impairments affect vision and hearing. Employees with visual impairments may struggle with accessing printed materials or digital content that is not adequately adapted, requiring alternatives such as braille, large print, or screen reader technology. Similarly, individuals with hearing impairments might need accommodations like sign language interpreters, captioning services, or specialized communication devices to fully engage in workplace communications.
  3. Cognitive Disabilities: These include conditions that affect mental processes such as learning, memory, and problem-solving. Employees with cognitive disabilities might find it challenging to follow complex instructions, manage time effectively, or stay organized. This group might benefit from written summaries of meetings, step-by-step guides for tasks, or technology that helps structure their workday.

Recognizing and understanding these barriers is crucial for effective communication. It involves not only adapting communication methods and work environments to meet the needs of employees with disabilities but also promoting an inclusive culture that actively seeks to understand and accommodate diverse abilities. 

Best Practices for Inclusive Communication During Meetings

Meetings are vital for effective workplace communication, and ensuring full participation of employees with disabilities is essential for an inclusive environment. Here are five strategies managers can use to make meetings more accessible:

  1. Pre-Meeting Preparation: Send all meeting materials in advance in formats accessible to assistive technologies, including screen readers.
  2. Utilizing Accessible Platforms: Choose platforms that support features like captioning and screen reader compatibility, ensuring no one is excluded due to technological limitations.
  3. Offering Communication Aids: Provide necessary aids such as live captioning, sign language interpreters, or audio descriptions to accommodate various communication needs.
  4. Flexible Participation Options: Allow employees to choose their preferred participation method—video, audio-only, or in-person—to accommodate different disabilities and comfort levels.
  5. Regular Feedback and Adjustments: Periodically collect feedback on meeting accessibility and make adjustments as needed to continuously improve the inclusiveness of your communication.

By implementing these focused strategies, managers can significantly enhance meeting accessibility, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that encourages full participation from all employees.

The Importance of Using First-Person Language in Communication

When communicating with or about an employee with a disability, it's crucial for managers to use first-person language. This approach respects the individual's identity and emphasizes their personhood first, rather than their disability. Here’s how and why managers should prioritize this in their communication:

Person-First Language: Always put the person before the disability in your descriptions. For example, say "employee with a disability" rather than "disabled employee." This subtle shift in language can significantly impact how individuals feel valued and seen in the workplace.

Inclusive Conversations: Use inclusive language that promotes equality and avoids singling out or othering. This fosters a more inclusive atmosphere and reduces any stigma associated with disabilities.

Educate and Encourage: Lead by example and educate your team on the importance of first-person language. Encourage its use in all communications, from formal meetings to casual conversations. This education can be part of broader disability awareness training.

Essential Disability Awareness Training for Enhancing Workplace Inclusion

Providing disability awareness training helps all employees understand the challenges their colleagues with disabilities face and equips them with the skills to communicate effectively. This initiative not only reduces potential misunderstandings but also promotes a culture of inclusivity.

Benefits of a comprehensive disability awareness training program can include reduced misunderstanding and conflicts, promotion of empathy and respect, enhancement of team collaboration and an improvement in employee retention and satisfaction. 

Use Disclo’s Guide to Selecting a Disability Awareness Training Program Fit for Your Organization to help your selection of a program that will fit your organization. 

Fostering Continuous Engagement and Feedback with Disabled Employees

Regular check-ins and open lines of communication with employees who have disabilities are critical components of maintaining an inclusive and supportive workplace. This ongoing engagement ensures that accommodations continue to meet the evolving needs of employees and helps identify any new challenges that may arise. 

Navigating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities, unless doing so would cause undue hardship. This federal law ensures that employees with disabilities are given fair opportunities to perform their jobs and participate fully in the workplace.

Read More: Navigating Reasonable Accommodations: Rights, Responsibilities, and Practical Solutions

How to Initiate the Disability Accommodation Process Effectively

When an employee discloses a disability and requests accommodations, it’s often the manager who first receives this information. Managers should respond with gratitude for the employee’s openness and direct them to the appropriate channels, such as HR or a dedicated accommodations case manager, to officially start the accommodations process.

Managers' Role in ADA Compliance and Disability Accommodations

While managers many times are the first ones to be informed of the need for reasonable accommodations, it is best practice for the actual evaluation and management of accommodation requests to be handled by HR or a central accommodations case manager. This ensures that the process is managed with the necessary expertise and compliance with legal requirements.

Managers should take the following steps after an employee disclosure:

  1. Acknowledge and Redirect: Thank the employee for sharing their needs and inform them of the company’s process for handling such requests, directing them to the appropriate personnel or department.
  2. Ongoing Engagement: Remain open and available for discussions with HR regarding the support needed for the accommodation. This includes conversations about whether the accommodation is reasonable and how the accommodation would assist the employee in performing the essential functions of their job.

How HR Can Optimize the Disability Accommodations Interactive Process

HR professionals or accommodations case managers should handle the deeper evaluation and management of the accommodations process. Their responsibilities in the interactive process include:

  1. Evaluating Accommodation Requests: Assess the feasibility of each requested accommodation, considering factors such as cost, workplace impact, and the employee’s specific needs. 
  2. Manager and Business Input: Engage in a detailed discussion with the employee’s manager or the business unit to fully understand how the accommodation will impact daily operations and the employee's ability to perform essential job functions. This discussion should focus on optimizing both employee performance and team efficiency while accommodating the employee’s needs.
  3. Selecting and Implementing Accommodations: Choose suitable accommodations and collaborate with the employee and their manager to implement them effectively. This step ensures compliance with all relevant regulations and confirms that the accommodations align well with the employee's role and team dynamics.
  4. Monitoring and Adjustments: Regularly review the effectiveness of the accommodation in collaboration with the employee and their manager. Make adjustments as needed to better support the employee’s needs and ensure ongoing productivity and satisfaction in their role.

Managing the reasonable accommodations process can sometimes be a challenging task, but by following these steps HR can better ensure that accommodations are provided in a timely and effective manner.

Leveraging Tools Like Disclo for Streamlined Accommodation Processes

Utilizing Disclo streamlines an employer’s reasonable accommodation process, ensuring compliance and ease of management for HR professionals. 

Disclo provides a place for managers and HR to refer employees when they raise a need for reasonable accommodation, provides an easy-to-use portal for employees to submit a request, and provides the HR case manager a single record source with the essential tools for tracking interactions and evaluating each request. 

To understand how Disclo can improve your employee engagement, while improving the company's compliance, request a demo


Effectively managing accommodations for employees with disabilities is complex but essential for creating an inclusive environment. By ensuring clear communication, utilizing proper channels, and leveraging tools like Disclo, managers can provide timely and effective support, fostering a workplace where all employees thrive.

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