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Top Workplace Accommodations for Albinism

Team Disclo
March 26, 2024
Albinism is a rare genetic condition that affects the production of melanin in the body. People with albinism often experience vision problems, sensitivity to light, and other physical and mental health issues. Employers can make a number of accommodations to ensure that people with albinism have a safe and comfortable work environment.

1. Adjustable Lighting

People with albinism are often sensitive to bright lights and glare. Employers should provide adjustable lighting to accommodate the needs of employees with albinism. This could include dimmable lights, task lighting, and window coverings to reduce glare.

2. Computer Screen Filters

Computer screens can be a source of glare and discomfort for people with albinism. Employers should provide computer screen filters to reduce glare and make it easier for employees with albinism to work on their computers.

3. Flexible Scheduling

People with albinism often need to take breaks during the day to rest their eyes and reduce fatigue. Employers should provide flexible scheduling options to accommodate the needs of employees with albinism. This could include allowing employees to work from home or take breaks during the day.

4. Accessible Workstations

People with albinism may need to adjust their workstations to accommodate their vision needs. Employers should provide adjustable desks, chairs, and other equipment to make it easier for employees with albinism to work comfortably.

5. Accessible Documents

People with albinism often need documents in larger font sizes and higher contrast to be able to read them. Employers should provide documents in accessible formats to make them easier to read for employees with albinism.


Employers can make a number of accommodations to ensure that people with albinism have a safe and comfortable work environment. Adjustable lighting, computer screen filters, flexible scheduling, accessible workstations, and accessible documents are all important accommodations to consider.

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