TDLR; Workplace accommodations are low cost and high impact.
If your company has never hired people with disabilities, you may be overestimating the cost and complexity of making your workplace accessible. Just FYI – even if you think your company has never hired folks with disabilities, odds are, you have. 😉
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has been running an ongoing study since 2004 with various partners, analyzing accommodation costs and benefits with a range of industry sectors and sizes.
According to this study, 58% of accommodations cost absolutely nothing to implement ($0). The rest of the accommodations made had a typical cost of only $500. This $500 typical cost has been consistent across the many years of the JAN survey.
Across the results of this study, employers consistently showed the benefits they received from making accommodations for their employees far outweigh the low cost. Employers have reported that providing accommodations resulted in:
⭐️ Retention of valuable employees
⭐️ Improved productivity and morale
⭐️ Reduction in workers’ compensation and training costs
⭐️ Enhanced company diversity
These benefits were all obtained with little investment as stated above (58% cost $0).
Want to know more about accommodation costs? Here are some of our favorite resources: